sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023

Breakfast in Laviana

The plan was to start riding at sunrise, ride fasted to have breakfast in Laviana.

I was also testing my new bone conduction headphones.

Both ideas, riding fasted and using bone conduction headphones, with Paris - Brest - Paris in mind. 

I selected a random playlist and amazingly as I was taking the Laviana town sign sprint Breakfast in America was playing (this is absolutely true), the Logical Song. 

A place called el cafetón (literally, the big coffee) looked adequate to the circumstances even if when I entered I thought Ain't Nobody But Me.

The good news was the pintxos looked great and I was hungry. It would have been the Crime of the Century to get only one so I went for two. Chicken and Spanish omelette, orange juice and coffee. 6€ 

While I was eating another man entered the place. That made it Two of Us so when I was leaving I said Goodbye Stranger and he responded Take the Long Way Home.

I enjoyed the ride so much that from now on I’ll add it to my repertoire to train riding fasted while listening to music at sunrise.

Let’s see how that works Live in Paris.

Ps. Congratulations if you got the musical reference. Now make sure you have schedule your prostate cancer check, it is a must at your age.

The ride in Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/8768172681

Take care

Javier Arias González

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