sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2020

Spanish Cycling Jargon 101 (Part 2) - Rompepiernas


This is so niche Google translate doesn't know how to translate it, proper Spanish Cycling Jargon. I'll give it a go: "Legs Breaker".

Rompepiernas is an easy concept to grasp. A Rompepiernas is a route that is not flat but is not hilly either. A Rompepiernas route is a constant up and down, it doesn't allow you to set a constant pace. Easy. The challenge is in the pronunciation. If you ever want to make my day ask me how it is pronounced and give it a go. As funny as when I pronounce Literature. 

Today's route was 149.81km, that's less than 150km so it was a short route. Today I climbed 1,328m, that's less than 1498m so today's route was officially flat. (If you don't know what I'm talking about see here https://www.unbiciorejon.com/2019/02/javiers-ride-classification-criteria.html btw. there was a bit of a debate at the coffee stop about how sensible these thresholds are. I think I can say I managed to convince everyone they are pretty sensible. As the post says "Don't even try to argue with me about this classification.").

So, can a short and flat route be a Rompepiernas? You bet it can. Alice warned us and she was right. The route is a constant up and down. All short "climbs", making it impossible to set a constant pace. Hell if you are not in form.

Even worst if you are riding with a group where everyone is stronger than you, that power it through all the "climbs" and even sprint for all town signs. You know that group you hate the whole ride despite you know you love riding with them. Oh my, I sat on some wheels today. A practice everyone would agree I don't need (I probably could claim a phd on wheel sucking) but add some nice wind to a Rompepiernas route and you know I really need sitting on everyone's wheel to survive (just about).

The good news is the optimistic in me believes I'm getting fitter. With a week of holidays ahead, a 200km Audax planned for 4th of October, two weeks of holidays at the end of October, with a bit of luck in Asturias, and my plan to start with 8m and 1m interval sessions in the turbo. I reckon by November I'll be in a decent form. Caffeine is such a great drug.

btw. Spanish Cycling Jargon 101 (Part 1) - "Me llevaron todo el día con el ganchu" is here https://www.unbiciorejon.com/2019/10/spanish-cycling-jargon-101.html Keep at it, by part 10 you'll be a proficient Spanish Cycling Jargon speaker.

Today's ride in Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/4082839233

Take care

Javier Arias González

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